
Showing posts with the label spotcrime metrics

SpotCrime July Metrics

Check it out: a one month inside look at SpotCrime - the infographic! Here is a link to a larger version. In July alone, we had over 1.8 million page views and 1 million visits to SpotCrime websites! This makes our traffic more than all of the other crime mapping websites combined. And we are the most 'Liked' crime mapping site on Facebook . We love creating and delivering information people actually look at! Out of our 600,000+ (and growing) subscriber base, we reached 1.7 million people in July with our weekly reports that are sent out on Sundays. Part of the SpotCrime Weekly Sunday Email Alert We reached more than 6.7 million inboxes with our daily alerts. Putting the total number of emails we sent in one month to almost 8.5 million! Each of those alerts delivers local, relevant, and informative crime information. Not signed up for your local crime alert yet and interested in seeing what all of the buzz is about? Sign up here . MyLocalCrime is best to use