SpotCrime Weekly Reads: Tech, crime stats, transparency

Transforming policing, Marsy's Law Supreme Court ruling in Ohio, 911 call center reforms, school crime report, police staffing and crime rates, ICE statistics, AI for police reports, NYPD to disclose surveillance tech contracts, gunshot detection, using tech to fight crime, facial recognition, law enforcement transparency, private prisons, recidivism, and more... POLICE CONDUCT How to Transform Policing and Regain Public Trust (Governing) Ohio Supreme Court hears arguments on whether cops get crime victim protections (The Columbus Dispatch) Nonpolice response teams may cut crime, save cash, but data limited (Civic Media) Jersey City Union President Backs McGreevey for Mayor, Calls for 911 Call Center Reforms (Jersey City Times) CRIME RATE Annual K-12 school crime report shows overall drop over previous year (North State Journal) San Francisco’s police staffing is at a historic low. So is its crime rate. (Mission Local) ICE Enforcement and Removal Oper...