How to Share SpotCrime on Nextdoor
Nextdoor is a private social networking website for neighbors. Crime is a popular topic among neighbors on the site - approximately 1 in 6 posts created on Nextdoor are about crime . Here is how you can share SpotCrime on Nextdoor: 1. Figure out the SpotCrime URL you’d like to share: Do you want to share a map location? Head to the front page of SpotCrime, type in your location, click ‘search’. A brand new URL should appear for you in the address bar of your browser. Copy this URL. Example: Do you want to share a specific crime? Click on the icon on the SpotCrime map and then click on ‘View Details’ OR click on the crime in the crime list below the map. A new page should appear for you with more information on the crime. Copy this URL. Example: Do you want to share your email alert? In your email, click on ‘View...