
Showing posts with the label Charleston Crime

Charleston, WV is on the Map!

Charleston  is the capital of West Virginia as well as the most populated city in the state. Its metro area has a population of approx 305k! You'll notice there are numerous thefts on the map.  If you hover over the thefts, you can see that most are related to vehicles.  If you live in Charleston, make sure to lock your car and remove all valuables from sight!  ( Click here to find out how to perform a search on SpotCrime in your own city) This is a big step in the right direction for agencies in West Virginia - there are only a couple of agencies in the state of WV who provide crime maps for residents. Don't see a map for your West Virginia area?  Reach out to your local PD.  Ask them to send data to SpotCrime .  If they send the data, we will map it and send alerts for free. Stay aware, stay safe!

Your Charleston Crime Map is Now Available.

SpotCrime is now mapping Charleston, South Carolina ! SpotCrime Charleston Crime map Charleston is the second largest city in South Carolina with a population of just over 120k and hosts the largest police department in the state - the City of Charleston Police Department . The city is located on a peninsula along the coast on the Charleston Harbor.  Charleston has been labeled as one of the most polite cities in the US and is often a destination for wedding ceremonies for it's scenic beauty and historic structures.  It was also the setting of the famous films/books by best selling author Nicolas Sparks -  ' The Notebook ' and ' Dear John '. The city holds a lot of history, including the location of the first shots fired in the Civil War - fired by Citadel Cadets stations on Morris Island.  Also, the first game of golf in the US was played in Charleston! SpotCrime Charleston Crime map search of arrests and thefts Check out the Charleston SpotCrime map t

Mount Pleasant South Carolina--Check out the Crime Map!

SpotCrime is now mapping Mount Pleasant, SC! This suburban town is located outside of Charleston, SC on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean in Charleston County. For several years, Mount Pleasant was one of South Carolina's fastest growing city--growing from 47k to 65 k in about 7 years! Mount Pleasant was founded in 1680 and holds the Patriots Point Naval and Maritime Museum . It is also where Bill Murray once called home! Check out CountOn2 news for the latest news stories in Mount Pleasant. Just recently in Charleston County, an over night raid led to the seizure of cocaine (around 12 to 14 grams), $14,000 in cash, three cars and other items. There were also arrests made as a result of a year long ongoing investigation. Make sure to sign up for your local Mount Pleasant crime alerts at SpotCrime or MyLocalCrime . Information is the best way to protect yourself against crime!