
Showing posts with the label Crime Alerts

Spotting Thefts in Haltom City, Texas

Check out this snapshot of the 238 thefts in Haltom City for the 2nd quarter of 2010. Haltom City is a suburb in the greater Fort Worth area, so the crime data is provided by the Fort Worth Police Department . Check out our Haltom City crime map with all crime types at the link below. Be safe. Know your neighborhood. Register for free crime alerts with .

Germantown, Tennessee SpotCrime Map

SpotCrime is receiving data from the Germantown Police Department . Germantown is part of the greater Memphis area and has a population of about 40,000 people. We are mapping crimes assaults, burglaries and other crimes for the entire area. Check out the interactive Germantown map at the link below. SpotCrime provides free daily crime alerts by text message and email. Konw your neighborhood with .

Burleson, Texas is now on SpotCrime

SpotCrime now has a map for Burleson, Texas with crimes provided by Burleson Police Department . We are mapping assaults, shootings, robberies and other crimes for the entire city. SpotCrime has different search features to find the info you want. You can search by date range, crime type, and/or keyword. Here's a snapshot of thefts for the 2nd quarter of 2010: Click here to view our interactive Burleson crime map and sign up for free crime alerts.

Mapping Crime in Pinellas County, Florida

SpotCrime is mapping crimes in provided by the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office . Pinellas County has a population of nearly 1 million people. Our map includes crime data for St. Petersburg, Largo, Pinellas Park, Seminole, South Pasadena and other cities in the area. Check out our Pinellas County crime map here . In addition to Pinellas County, SpotCrime also has a separate map for St. Petersburg, FL . Visit to register for free daily SMS and email alerts. Know your neighborhood!

Mapping Crime in Clark County, Washington

SpotCrime is now mapping crime in Clark County, Washington. The data is being supplied regularly by the Clark Regional Emergency Services Agency (CRESA) and the Clark County Sheriff's Office . CRESA is comprised of about seven different agencies, including the Vancouver, Battle Ground, Camas, Ridgefield and Washougal police departments and fire departments. At SpotCrime we think it's pretty cool when agencies can work together to make communities safer and provide access to crime information that empowers the public. Click the link below to view our Clark County crime map. As always, SpotCrime provides free SMS and email alerts daily to our users. Know your neighborhood. Sign up at .

Burglaries in Arlington, Texas

Burglars have been very active in Arlington, Texas already in the month of June. Above is a snapshot of burglaries that have been reported so far. SpotCrime receives regular crime data from the Arlington Police Department and we're mapping crimes like these for the entire city. Whether you're looking for info on shootings, arsons, thefts, assaults, or other serious crimes, SpotCrime has what you're looking for. Click here to search the Arlington crime map. Sign up for free daily SMS and email alerts to stay up-to-date on crime in your area. Know your neighborhood!

Springfield, Missouri is now on SpotCrime

SpotCrime is now mapping crime in Springfield, Missouri. We are receiving crime data daily from the Springfield Police Department , as well as mapping crimes from stories on the KY3 News website. SpotCrime features interactive crime maps for cities and counties across the US and worldwide. The maps have different search capabilities like date, keyword and/or crime type search to customize the info to your needs. Visit our SpotCrime Springfield page. We also provide crime maps on SpotCrime media partner websites like KY3. You can search for information on shootings, assaults, robberies, arsons and other serious crimes directly on the KY3 website. Click here to view their interactive Springfield map. As always, SpotCrime provides daily SMS and email alerts to our users. Know your neighborhood with SpotCrime!

Spotting Crime in Fairfax County, Virginia

SpotCrime is now receiving crime data from the Fairfax County Police Department . We are mapping serious crimes and posting the latest news releases for Fairfax County. Click the link below to view the interactive crime map. SpotCrime provides free daily crime alerts by email and text message. Register today to receive the latest crime info for your area. Know your neighborhood!

SpotCrime now has a map for Richardson, Texas

SpotCrime is now receiving regular crime data from the Richardson Police Department . We are mappings serious crimes such as shootings, assaults, robberies and thefts for the entire city. The picture above shows the vandalism reports for the 2nd quarter of 2010. SpotCrime maps allow you to search for the exact information you want. Limit the crime type, date range or address that you would like to search and you will see only that information! Click the link below to view the Richardson crime map. As always, SpotCrime provides free daily SMS and email alerts. Know your neighborhood! Register at www. .

Tampa, Florida is now on SpotCrime

SpotCrime is now receiving daily crime data from the Tampa Police Department . We are mapping serious crimes and 911 calls for the entire Tampa area. Those question marks on the map aren't unknown crimes... they actually represent crimes that fall into the Other category. SpotCrime classifies crimes as arrests, assaults, thefts, burglaries, shootings, vandalisms, arsons and robberies. All other crimes get mapped as Other. According to our SpotCrime Tampa map, several of those crimes are domestic disturbances. Click the link below to view our interactive map and search the latest data. SpotCrime provides free daily crime alerts by text message and email. Sign up today and know your neighborhood!

Petaluma, California Crime Map

SpotCrime is now receiving monthly crime data from the Petaluma Police Department . We are mapping serious crimes for the entire city including vandalisms, thefts, robberies and arrests. Follow the link below to view our Petaluma SpotCrime map. As always, SpotCrime provides SMS and email alerts daily to our users. Know your neighborhood! Sign up at .

Spotting Crime in Orange County, FL

SpotCrime is now mapping crimes provided by the Orange County Sheriff's Office . You can now search SpotCrime maps for information about serious crimes like burglaries, thefts and robberies for the entire Orange County area. According to the Orange County map, there have been several reports of burglaries so far in the first half of 2010. Did any of these happen in your neighborhood? Click the link below to view our interactive map and search the latest crime data. As always, SpotCrime provides free daily crime alerts by text message and email. Know your neighborhood! Register for your today at . On Facebook? Become a SpotCrime fan!

Spotting Crime in Pinellas County, Florida

SpotCrime is pleased to announce that we are now receiving crime data from the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office . We are mapping crimes for multiple cities within Pinellas County, including St. Petersburg, Pinellas and Clearwater. Our SpotCrime map indicates that there have been several assault/battery report in Pinellas County within the last few weeks. These crimes are indicated on the map with the fist icon. Click here to search our interactive map for Pinellas County. SpotCrime provides free daily crime alerts via email and text message. Sign up today to receive up-to-date crime information about your neighborhood.

Mapping Crime in Moline, Illinois

SpotCrime is proud to announce that we're now receiving crime data from the Moline Police Department . We'll be mapping crimes for the entire metropolitan area. Check out our interactive map on the SpotCrime website at the link below. Did you know that you can do a keyword search on our maps? Type in any search criteria that you have (i.e., theft of property) and hit the Refresh button. You will only see crimes of that specific type. As always, SpotCrime provides free crime alerts by email and text message. On Facebook? Become a fan!

SpotCrime is Mapping Seven Cities in Near Real Time

The following cities are being mapped in near real time on SpotCrime: Tampa Ocala Eugene Milwaukee Orlando Tulsa Charlotte In each case, the local Police Department and/or the 911 Call Center is making the call data available to the public with no restrictions. SpotCrime is identifying the crime related events and mapping them- typically on an hourly basis. Additionally, SpotCrime then provides the information to the public at no cost to the police department or the public through RSS and Twitter. Email and SMS crime alerts are also available.

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