
Showing posts with the label Jeff Sessions

Sanctuary cities and ICE programs

Attorney General Jeff Sessions publicly addressed federal, state, and local law enforcement on July 12 in Las Vegas about sanctuary cities and efforts to combat violent crime. Sessions cited a study from the University of California Riverside claiming cities with sanctuary policies 'have more violent crime on average than those that don’t.’ Contrary to what Attorney General Jeff Sessions stated in his address to hundreds of law enforcement officials, there is no link to violent crime spike and sanctuary city status. Sessions and his staff appear to have misinterpreted one graph in the study to show a higher crime rate, when in fact the graph showed no relation. The study specifically states:  ‘We find no statistically discernible difference in violent crime rate, rape, or property crime across the cities. Our findings provide evidence that sanctuary policies have no effect on crime rates, despite narratives to the contrary. The potential benefits of sanctuary cities,