Will County, IL Crime Map
SpotCrime is mapping crime in Will County, IL ! Will County is located in the south west portion of the of Chicago metropolitan area, with it;s county seat residing in Joliet . The population is about 502k and is one of the fastest growing counties in the US. The Will County Sheriff's Office releases this crime information weekly to SpotCrime and SpotCrime maps it for free! Using the crime type search and keyword search, you can see that a number of the vandalism incidents involve windows. To perform the search, check only the 'Vandalism' box and in the Keyword search bar enter 'window'. Vandalism in the past month involving windows Most of the windows were broken were rear windows of cars or front windows of a residence. There's no reason given behind the vandalism (nothing was reported stolen or missing) so the best way to prevent these kinds of crimes from happening is community policing . Save yourself and your neighbors from the inconvenience