
Showing posts with the label NFL arrests

A Look at NFL Player Crimes

Only the fastest, strongest, biggest, and most aggressive players rise to the top to make millions as a professional in the National Football League. A recent study addressed a question that comes to mind when there is yet another NFL player arrest in the news - is the NFL’s ‘crime epidemic’ real? The study looked at arrest data of the general population of males between 20-39 and NFL players over 14 years. Here are the three conclusions that were drawn: Between 2000-2013, the U.S. general population of males aged 20-39 had a significantly higher total arrest rate than NFL players. In fact, these differences were about one and a half to two times higher. For both public order violations and property crimes, once again, the U.S. general population had higher arrest rates. The findings regarding violence were mixed. In six of the 14 yearly comparisons, the NFL data showed a significantly higher violent arrest rate than the U.S. general population. We took a look at