SpotCrime Weekly Reads: Police data, transparency, criminal justice

Using data for more equitable policing, police misconduct whistleblowers, police reforms, filming cops is protected by the fourth amendment, data-driven approach to tackle crime, juvenile violent crime, crime-fighting software illegal in Germany, improving criminal justice data collection, majority criminal cases end in plea bargains, and more... POLICE CONDUCT The Biden administration wants to know how data can be used to deliver more equitable policing. ( Whistleblower: What happens when a police officer breaks the silent code and speaks out about misconduct? This is the story of Cariol Horne, a former Buffalo cop who tried to do the right thing and is paying the price. (Why Don't We Know podcast) San Diego Police Response Times Have Gone Up Drastically (Voice of San Diego) Police reforms can save lives, save money, and strengthen law enforcement (The Hill) Fourth Circuit Latest To Say Filming Cops Is Protected By The First Amendment (Tim Cushing) CRIM...