Tacoma, WA -- Burglary Map

Over a weeks period, 82 burglaries were reported to the Tacoma Police Department . Check out the maps below. Circled are clusters of burglaries that happened over the week. Check out the targeted areas closer. This map shows an area near a university. Criminals may find college students an easy target. This area shows an area next to a highway, perhaps an easy escape route for a burglar. Both maps are open to speculation, however no matter to who or where a burglary happens, it is a pretty scary and serious event. The best way to prevent yourself from becoming a burglary victim is to be informed. Head to SpotCrime to check out recent burglaries in your Tacoma area . Talk to your neighbors, keep an eye out for suspicious activity. Informed neighbors are a great way of prevention, it eliminates the opportunity if neighbors are aware that there are criminals after their personal belongings. Make sure to always lock your d...