
Showing posts with the label charleston south carolina crime

Your Charleston Crime Map is Now Available.

SpotCrime is now mapping Charleston, South Carolina ! SpotCrime Charleston Crime map Charleston is the second largest city in South Carolina with a population of just over 120k and hosts the largest police department in the state - the City of Charleston Police Department . The city is located on a peninsula along the coast on the Charleston Harbor.  Charleston has been labeled as one of the most polite cities in the US and is often a destination for wedding ceremonies for it's scenic beauty and historic structures.  It was also the setting of the famous films/books by best selling author Nicolas Sparks -  ' The Notebook ' and ' Dear John '. The city holds a lot of history, including the location of the first shots fired in the Civil War - fired by Citadel Cadets stations on Morris Island.  Also, the first game of golf in the US was played in Charleston! SpotCrime Charleston Crime map search of arrests and thefts Check out the Charleston SpotCrime map t