Columbia, SC is on SpotCrime!

SpotCrime has mapped crime data from Columbia, SC , check out a screenshot below Columbia, SC is the largest city in the state of South Carolina and has a population of about 130k. It's located in central South Carolina , separated from West Columbia by the Congoree River. The city is also home to the University of South Carolina . Check out our University Crime Maps at From checking out the map, you can see that a majority of the assaults occur right outside of the University. The only description we were given in most assaults from the PD were 'Simple Assaults' so it's hard to tell if someone was seriously injured or what really happened ( another reason why we think details are vital information in staying aware of your surrounding ) Because the way we have been required to collect the information from the Columbia Police Department (via FOIA request), the data displayed on the map is a little behind...