The Crowd Sourced Crime Analyst
One of the main goals for SpotCrime is to get crime information to as much of the public as possible. Engagement is our motto. And you don't need to believe we are doing this out of the goodness of our hearts, we have a business model around our approach - like any news organization we have ads around the content we provide. Get more people to view the content, and increase the amount of ads we can show. Any system that provides incentives is susceptible to being gamed, and our ad model should be scrutinized just like any other. However, since we do not charge police departments for the service and have no financial ties to the police agency, we ask that you measure your scrutiny with our independence and our success of reaching the public. Currently, SpotCrime reaches more people with crime data than any other system in the world. We feel there are many benefits to encouraging police departments to be transparent and timely ...