
Showing posts with the label crime map distribution and engagement

SpotCrime Offering High Engagement Crime Maps - For Free!

There are two main categories of crime mapping  (or two ends of the scale) 1. Institutional crime mapping - designed for professional analysts with many bells a whistles 2. Public facing crime mapping - designed to get information to public fast. We at SpotCrime tend to the public facing end of the spectrum.   We provide very little analytics - although our city pages do have a basic charts page - What we do focus on is distribution and engagement . Our distribution in the US is larger than any other crime mapping site on the Internet.  We have multiple websites for the public to choose from that are all fast and functional - , , , and .  With the thought that people register information differently, we’ve created multiple outlets for residents to choose from. , the newest SpotCrime addition We also provide our maps in more places than just our websites