MyLocalCrime in Pensacola, FL

Wondering what's occuring in your Pensacola area? Check out the MyLocalCrime map! Pensacola, FL is a city located in Escambia County and has a population of approx 52k. It holds the first US Naval Air Station, home of the Blue Angels flight demonstration team and the National Museum of Naval Aviation . Pensacola, Florida's most western city, borders Alabama. On the beach of the Florida-Alabama border, you'll find Flora-Bama --the one of a kind Gulf Coast cultural landmark. Pensacola's white beaches are also know as 'The World's Whitest Beaches' for the beautiful white sand. The beaches are currently being monitored by o il spill clean up crews due to the BP Gulf Oil Spill. Check out the MyLocalCrime map to find a quick view of the crime has occurred in your Pensacola area from May to August. This map compiles information for crimes found in Pensacola and Escambia County. You can also find local Pensacola news at . Be sure t...