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What is Precision Policing?

Precision Policing Definition Precision policing is a systematic, proactive and almost precognitive approach to ensuring public safety . It organizes a police agency’s structure around data and information to build investigations of high value suspects committing the most crimes. It involves a more collaborative inter-agency cooperation, but also a strong focus on community collaboration. What was once the job of the detective department, is now a whole agency collective. It was developed by the NYPD in 2014 and championed by the recent drop in crimes across the city . With precision policing, the NYPD has moved away from the controversial stop and frisk and moved toward identifying people and patterns with data. NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton describes it as "fewer arrests for minor offenses—'broken windows' types of offenses—while at the same time more significant numbers of arrests for the serious crimes that we're focusing on."  Although stop