
Showing posts with the label holiday burglaries

Students Living Off Campus Targetd By Burglars

Imagine going to sleep late at night and waking up the next morning to find that many of your possessions are missing and that your home has been broken into. It's not quite an epidemic that's plaguing every University in the United States but in some areas it is a frightening reality. Burglars mainly target student living in off campus housing due to the almost guaranteed selection of electronics they often own. The burglars end up stealing anything valuable they can get their hands on including laptops, televisions, iPods, video game systems and other electronics of value. So far this year incidents have been recorded in San Marcos, Texas, South Bend, Indiana, Seattle, Washington, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania among many others. Police in these areas have offered advice to students who feel that they are targets for burglary: Set up security systems to discourage forced entries. Keep windows and curtains shut. Lock all windows and doors. Know your neighbors. Report suspici