
Showing posts with the label iphone

NEW! SpotCrime Android App Now Available

Hello SpotCrime Friends! We just wanted to announce the release of our new SpotCrime Android App . ‘Finally!! SpotCrime for Android!’ is what you’re probably thinking. Yes, some of us Android users at SpotCrime are thinking the same thing too! Check out the official SpotCrime Android app at the Google Play store here . The app uses the GPS location on your phone to quickly show crime incidents that have occurred in the area you’re located. The app does cost $0.99, but, in our (completely unbiased) opinion, it’s totally worth it. If you don’t see crime data on the map , ask your local police department to be transparent with their crime data and SpotCrime will map it - for free. Remember, our websites and email alerts will always be free. And we don’t plan on ever charging police departments to deliver information to the public. Spot crime with SpotCrime, and get out of the crime spot. Don’t let anyone take your mojo! PS - Have an iPhone and now you’re jealous


BALTIMORE, MD (1/6/10) --- The only national crime map providing up-to-date crime data from every major U.S. city, as well as numerous foreign markets, is now available to iPhone users nationwide. The SpotCrime iPhone mobile application is also the first crime map to feature augmented reality (AR) views of criminal activity. AR allows users to see a live view of a real-world environment (a street corner, for example) whose elements are merged – or augmented – with computer-generated imagery of crimes which have occurred in that location. “Using the iPhone’s GPS to find specific locations, the SpotCrime iPhone application provides up-to-date details about actual crime incidents that have taken place, as well as real-time personal and property safety ratings for specific areas,” says SpotCrime Founder and President Colin Drane. Crime alerts use multiple radii, from 2 – 25 miles, determined by the user. “Making this kind of information available on a mobile device gives users a

Shootings Don't Take Weekends Off In Baltimore

While uploading data this weekend the SpotCrime team noticed an interesting trend in Baltimore crime patterns. It is a known fact that the City of Baltimore is no stranger to gun violence. Below is a map containing all incidents of shootings from September 2009 up to yesterday Sunday, November the 15th. In total 273 have occurred since September 1st. This is a map containing shootings from Monday November 9th to Friday November 13th: There is a total of 6 shootings. 1 on Monday. 1 on Wednesday. 2 on Thursday. 2 on Friday. Below is a map containing the shootings for Saturday and Sunday: There are a total of 7 shootings for a 2 day period. Through this comparison we are able to deduct that gun violence is more prevalent in the Baltimore area during weekends; although any reasons we can give are merely speculative. As always, SpotCrime provides free crime alerts by email, text messages and through the SpotCrime iPhone application for Baltimore. Know your neighborhood, stay safe with SpotC

SpotCrime on Google Maps Search for iPhone

The SpotCrime iPhone application is available at the iTunes store for the following areas: San Fransisco Chicago Baltimore New York City London But what if you live in a city outside of these five regions and want to know what's going on around you? You can still access some of our SpotCrime data through Google Maps on the iPhone. Simply type SpotCrime and your location in the Google Maps search and watch the crime incidents appear before your eyes. Click for an example in Philadelphia, PA Crime incident listings are also available once you search SpotCrime and your city on Google Maps through RSS feeds. Click here for another Philadelphia example As always, SpotCrime provides free crime alerts by email and text messages. Know your neighborhood with

SpotCrime is Mapping Crime in SoHo, NYC

The crimes you see collected at the bottom left hand corner of this map are of SoHo; a neighborhood in the New York City borough of Manhattan . SoHo is renowned for it's artistic studios and residents, cast-iron architecture, many shops and resturants and it's interesting nightlife. SpotCrime is proud to feature SoHo as a section on our Manhattan neighborhood maps. Please click on the following link to see a fully interactive crime map. You can also access the latest SoHo crimes on our maps via iPhone using the SpotCrime New York iPhone application available at the iTunes store. As always, SpotCrime provides free crime alerts by email and text messages. Know your neighborhood with

SpotCrime iPhone App New York City

Find up to date crime information in New York City using SpotCrime's iPhone app. This useful application will keep you informed and up to date about what is going on around you. Are you on Water St with an iPhone in your hand? Do you want to know about the closest reported crimes to your location? Check out SpotCrime New York City at the Apple App Store.

SpotCrime iPhone App San Francisco

Find up to date crime information in San Francisco using SpotCrime's iPhone app. Are you on Geary St with an iPhone in your hand? Do you want to know about the closest reported crimes to your location? Check out SpotCrime San Francisco at the Apple App Store.

London SpotCrime iPhone

Do you want to see crime in London on your iPhone? SpotCrime is now selling an iPhone app that gives you up to date crime data for London and the surrounding areas. Using the iPhone's gps, SpotCrime London will pinpoint your location and show you the nearest crimes or the most recent crimes. Click on the utilites button and view 20 crimes in on the iPhone Google map. To find the app in the iTunes store search on SpotCrime London. Here are some screenshots from the app:

Huffington Post Ranks SpotCrime NYC iPhone App Top Ten

Huffington Post has chosen the top 10 iphone apps for New York City and SpotCrime NYC is on the list. Here's the link: SpotCrime NYC iPhone app provides near real time geocoded crime information. We provide the crimes in two categories nearby and recent. The app also maps the incidents on the iPhone's Google Map application.

New SpotCrime Apps for the iPhone - London, Chicago, and Baltimore

We've just launched three new city apps for the iPhone App Store. In addition to NYC, SpotCrime now has apps for London, Chicago, and our home city Baltimore.