
Showing posts with the label mylocalcrime alerts

SpotCrime Offering High Engagement Crime Maps - For Free!

There are two main categories of crime mapping  (or two ends of the scale) 1. Institutional crime mapping - designed for professional analysts with many bells a whistles 2. Public facing crime mapping - designed to get information to public fast. We at SpotCrime tend to the public facing end of the spectrum.   We provide very little analytics - although our city pages do have a basic charts page - What we do focus on is distribution and engagement . Our distribution in the US is larger than any other crime mapping site on the Internet.  We have multiple websites for the public to choose from that are all fast and functional - , , , and .  With the thought that people register information differently, we’ve created multiple outlets for residents to choose from. , the newest SpotCrime addition We also provide our maps in more places than just our websites

SpotCrime Reaches Over 300,000 Subscribers!

As of this morning, SpotCrime has reached over 300, 000 subscribers!  On average, we send 3.5 million crime alerts monthly! Since we've launched, we've realized that the greatest value of mapping crime is the network of people who view and interact with the data.  With our media partners , and multiple websites , we estimate over 6 million people interact with our data monthly. If no one views a crime map, what's it's worth? The more people aware of what's occurring in their community, the higher chance the community is proactive in the fight against crime.  Our ultimate goal is that SpotCrime effectively distributes crime data across the world, decreasing the crime rate and increasing a peace of mind. Are you signed up for your local SpotCrime alert yet?  Each email alert is made custom for each subscriber.  When you sign up for an alert, you can put in your address and a radius of choice.  So, unless there are subscribers with the same address and the s

No Need to Speed Campaigns -- What to do if you find yourself pulled over

The 'No Need 2 Speed' campaign commenced this week in North Carolina .  The State Highway Patrol and local law enforcement agencies are cracking down on speeding. “I urge drivers to slow down and obey the speed limit,” said Governor's Highway Safety Program director Becky Wallace. “For every 10 miles per hour you drive over 50 mph, you double your chances of dying or being seriously injured.” Officers will focus their efforts on interstates and major four-lane highways across the state. During the 'No Need 2 Speed' campaign in November 2010, state and local law enforcement agencies cited 26,870 motorists for speeding. Not sure what to do if you get pulled over?  Here are some tips your friends at SpotCrime have put together for you: Pull over as fast as you can, if you are on the highway, pull onto the right hand side of the road Put your car in park, roll your window down and turn off your engine Leave your hands on the steering wheel, do NOT begin to rummage