
Showing posts with the label palm beach crime

Find Palm Beach County, FL on SpotCrime!

You can now find Palm Beach County crime data on SpotCrime and MyLocalCrime ! Palm Beach County, FL SpotCrime Map SpotCrime collects it's data directly from the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office , which is the largest law enforcement agency in the county.  The PBSO provides it's services for over 680k residents in the county. Palm Beach county is the second oldest county in the state and now holds approximately 1.3 million people.  About 40% of those people live in incorporated areas, patrolled by the PBSO.  Other major cities in the county including  West Palm Beach , Delray Beach, Lake Worth,  Boca Raton and Jupiter . The county is also the wealthiest in Florida and the coast is lined with particularly well known affluent areas like Palm Beach, Jupiter, Boca Raton and Wellington . Check out SpotCrime or   MyLocalCrime to view crime in your Palm Beach County area.  Be sure to sign up for your local alerts , Stay Safe!