
Showing posts with the label police misconduct across cities

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: police reform, violence interrupters, prison

What happens when you add more police to a city, response teams for mental health, qualified immunity, police misconduct across cities, violence interrupters, gun violence, lowering recidivism, advisory councils, real time crime centers, and more... POLICE CONDUCT When You Add More Police To A City, What Happens?  (NPR) Columbus, Ohio, Police Have Killed Third Most Children in U.S., Compared to Other Departments: Data  (Newsweek) Race plays a role, but researchers say it’s not the strongest predictor of whether someone holds a negative view of police A meta-analysis of 66 peer-reviewed studies shows the public's relationship with law enforcement is complicated. (The Journalist's Resource) Police Officers’ Qualified Immunity in Excessive Force Claims, Warrant Execution, and Warrantless Searches and Arrests: Tracing the Evolution of, and Stagnation in, U.S. Supreme Court Precedents  (SpringerLink) Tallahassee Police launches mobile response team for mental health calls . (T...