
Showing posts with the label policy

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: gun violence, homicides, surveillance tech

Addressing gun violence, pattern-or-practice investigations, community-led responses to public safety, the rising homicide rate post Ferguson, undue influence of surveillance tech companies on policing, improving crime data to make better policy, transparency in police departments, and more... POLICE CONDUCT The People’s Response Act would establish a division within the Department of Health and Human Services to promote and fund community-led responses to public safety.  (NBC News) Richmond Police focus on community building to drive down crime  (LEX18) see also:  Cocoa police chief works to engage with community, be more data-driven  ( The Facts on Pattern-or-Practice Investigations  ( New study ranks Kansas City Police Department one of the worst in the country  ( American Policing and the Danger Imperative  (Wiley Online Library) Cops say low morale and department scrutiny are driving them away from the job  (NPR) Quali

Changing Government: SpotCrime's Fight for Equal and Fair Access to Crime Data is Changing How Government Operates

Police transparency and openness is colliding full force with technology and trust. We continue to run into issues collecting crime data from agencies nationwide , however, our push for open, equal, and fair access to public crime information is making headway. Policy language Open data policies are now including language that covers how vendors deal with public data. Check out the language in the draft open data policy for Jersey City : All data or data sets published pursuant to Section III shall be published in a non-proprietary, searchable, sortable, platform-independent, machine-readable format.  All data or data sets shall include available metadata.   To the greatest extent practicable, the City shall assign unique identifiers to all data and data sets.  The City shall not place any restrictions on third-party reuse of data or data sets.  The City shall not provide to third parties any copies, records or logs of the identities or IP addresses of individuals access