
Showing posts with the label spotcrime crime map

Roseburg, OR Crime Map

Roseburg, OR is located in the Pacific North West of the US. It's the county seat of Douglas County and has a population of over 21k, a suitable population for a city that's only about 10 square miles in size. Check out the Roseburg SpotCrime map below. Most incidents are arrests made by the police department for warrants. Roseburg, OR SpotCrime map The city can be found off of I-5 and route 99, south of Eugene and north of Medford . Roseburg is located on the Umpqua River Valley, making it an ideal location for many vineyards and wine tasting. It is the birthplace of the Oregon Pinot Noir. The town is also where the current governor of Oregon - Governor Ted Kulongoski - practiced medicine from 1973 to 1986 where we was an emergency room physician. Gov. Kulongoski is currently serving his third term as Oregon's Governor. In 2012, Rolling Stone Magazine name him one of "The Quiet Ones: 12 Leaders Who Get Things Done". Roseburg is also home to the fo

Miami-Dade, FL now updated DAILY!

SpotCrime is now mapping crime in Miami-Dade, FL on a daily basis! Crime mapped in southern Miami-Dade Miami-Dade County is located in southeastern Florida along the coast and has a population of about 2.5 million people. The county is commonly called Miami, Miami-Dade, Dade County, Dade, Metro-Dade, or greater Miami. We like to call the area Miami-Dade because the police department is goes by the Miami-Dade Police Department. The department is a full service metropolitan police department serving unincorporated areas of the County. And make sure not to confuse Miami-Dade PD with the Miami PD because they are two separate departments. But don't worry - we are mapping Miami , the largest city in the county, too! Broward County, Collier County, and Monroe County border Miami-Dade. Companies like Brightstar Corp, Burger King, and Norwegian Cruise Lines are headquartered in the county. The county also holds the majority of sports venues including arenas and stadiums for the

How SpotCrime Can Save Taxpayers $180 Million

Recently the Benton County Sheriff (Arkansas) announced a new public  crime map . Local news reported that the map was paid for by a $15,000 grant. Not a large sum, and often crime mapping vendors have similar contact costs charging $150 a month for public crime mapping services. Using a simple discounted cash flow valuation of a police agency contract at $1,800 a year at a 10% discount rate, you'll get a total valuation of the vendor mapping contract at $18,000 (divide 10% into $1,800). Very similar to the amount paid by Benton. We have seen some agencies pay larger sums for public crime mapping. Most notably, Seattle Police Department spent approximately $350,000 for their public mapping system. So how do we get to $180 million in savings? Since we are using back of the envelope numbers, we are going to be very conservative in our estimated costs. We'll use an approximate cost of $10,000 per police agency for public crime mapping. Why use $10k? I

Press Releases v Crime Data Feed

Which is more valuable when trying to inform citizens of crime in their area - Press Releases or a crime data feed? Answer: Both - when used together Check out the SpotCrime Ottawa, Canada map . This department does not offer a public and open access to crime data, so we map crime here solely from press releases sent out by the department . Press releases normally include a lot of description and detail - descriptions of suspects including what they look like and what they were wearing, a step by step account of what happened, the approximate time the incident occurred, what type of items were stolen, the date, the case report - pretty much anything that can help solve a crime or help inform the public of what has occurred. However, press releases are only released on certain crimes that the department thinks is noteworthy or important. Check out the Ottawa map again - You can see that the department releases a lot of information about robberies occurring in certain locations. T

Dots on a Map

Holy cow look at all of those crimes on the map!! That is what you'd first think looking at a crime map in a city like Baltimore . But, if you really think about it and think past all of the thefts, shootings, assaults, you start to think about how those icons got there. Think about the work and people involved to get a dot on a map. It starts with 911. A concerned resident (like you) sees something suspicious or a crime and calls 911.  Then, the 911 Dispatcher collects as much information as possible about the incident. They then decide where, how, and how many officers to dispatch to a certain location. This dispatching process takes equipment and technology. Phones, database systems, cars, radio, uniforms, badges, guns, and training. Then comes the actual officer. Well trained officers are needed to respond to each and every dot on the SpotCrime map . We have a database of well over 15 million crimes . That's A LOT of work for police officers! Once the officer r

Fairfax County, VA; Springfield area fondling incidents - mapped on SpotCrime

Check out the crime list we made for the recent fondling reports in Springfield, VA View the SpotCrime crime list of these incidents here There have been a total of four incidents that have occurred over the past month involving a suspect wearing a plain red baseball cap and described as Hispanic or Asian..  The Fairfax County PD are investigating to see if they are related. The incidents sound related and it looks like the perpetrator makes sure he has an easy getaway as each incident has occurred near a major highway. Stay on the lookout in your area. If you see anything suspicious, be sure to contact your local PD.   Sign up for your local crime alerts to stay aware of the crime in your area. And, if you're interested in making your own crime list, check out our video tutorial here . Stay aware, stay safe!

Baltimore area Robberies SpotCrime Crime List

Check out the SpotCrime crime listing for the spree of robberies that recently hit south west Baltimore.  The suspects targeted businesses in Lakeland and Landsdowne, MD located in Baltimore City and Baltimore County .  Both the County and City departments worked on the investigation.  A tip from the public led to the arrests! Seeing these robberies on a map makes it apparent they were connected because they happened in close proximity to each other.  This is a good tactic to note when checking out crime maps for your own community watch - pay attention to any reoccurring crimes in close proximity of each other, then keep an eye out.  It's probable that the same crime will happen again, committed by the same person.  Sometimes this is typical with car thefts and burglaries too - the criminal hits multiple times in the same area.  Your community watch group may be able to spot them in action with enough time to call the local police department to catch them. Want to make your

Mapping Crime in Charlotte County, FL

SpotCrime is now mapping crime in Charlotte County, FL !  Charlotte County is located in south western Florida on the Gulf of Mexico.  It's situated south of Sarasota , Highlands and Desoto counties and north of Lee and Hendry counties.  Charlotte County has a population of almost 160,000 residents! SpotCrime is mapping crime data made available by the Charlotte County Sheriff's Office through their Event Report on their website.   SpotCrime has translated the text on the Event Report into a SpotCrime map - allowing anyone to visualize where and what crimes occur throughout the city.  This is a free service that SpotCrime provides to the department and residents of Charlotte County. And, as you can see from the map,  the county responds to suspicious vehicle and persons reported calls (typically appears as an 'Other' icon ).  There are also not a lot of crimes like robberies, shootings, and assaults - possibly a sign that the community watch efforts

Small Police Departments Map Their Own Crime on SpotCrime

Here at SpotCrime , we understand that with budget cuts to police departments across the county, most departments may be working on a budget and do not have resources for the latest and greatest technology, an IT Department, or a Crime Analysis unit. This is why SpotCrime offers the ability for smaller departments to map their own crime.  This option works best for departments who only respond to 5-10 incidents a day.  We see no need for small departments to pay money for big, complicated systems if the systems were made for larger departments anyway. Single entry is the best solution - and the least expensive option. Check out the Monroeville, PA SpotCrime map . Monroeville, PA crime map SpotCrime has given administrative access to an officer at the Monroeville Department who maps crimes by inputting each crime manually.  This is a free feature we offer along with the email alerts- we'll send out email alerts to residents in the area when crime is mapped.  A great way

The Crowd Sourced Crime Analyst

One of the main goals for SpotCrime is to get crime information to as much of the public as possible.  Engagement is our motto.  And you don't need to believe we are doing this out of the goodness of our hearts, we have a business model around our approach - like any news organization we have ads around the content we provide.  Get more people to view the content, and increase the amount of ads we can show.   Any system that provides incentives is susceptible to being gamed, and our ad model should be scrutinized just like any other.  However, since we do not charge police departments for the service and have no financial ties to the police agency, we ask that you measure your scrutiny with our independence and our success of reaching the public.  Currently, SpotCrime reaches more people with crime data than any other system in the world. We feel there are many benefits to encouraging police departments to be transparent and timely with their crime data.   And we are encourage

SpotCrime Reaches Over 300,000 Subscribers!

As of this morning, SpotCrime has reached over 300, 000 subscribers!  On average, we send 3.5 million crime alerts monthly! Since we've launched, we've realized that the greatest value of mapping crime is the network of people who view and interact with the data.  With our media partners , and multiple websites , we estimate over 6 million people interact with our data monthly. If no one views a crime map, what's it's worth? The more people aware of what's occurring in their community, the higher chance the community is proactive in the fight against crime.  Our ultimate goal is that SpotCrime effectively distributes crime data across the world, decreasing the crime rate and increasing a peace of mind. Are you signed up for your local SpotCrime alert yet?  Each email alert is made custom for each subscriber.  When you sign up for an alert, you can put in your address and a radius of choice.  So, unless there are subscribers with the same address and the s

How Can a Police Agency Get Crime Data on SpotCrime?

Wondering how to get your police agency's crime data on SpotCrime ?  Well, if you have a computer, you can have a crime map.  No department is too small (or too big) for us to get on the map! SpotCrime offers free mapping and public distribution systems at no cost to police departments.  We have a news model with advertising which means we are never looking to upsell our products at a later date. The crime maps include useful features like the hourly updates to the map, date range search, crime type search, keyword search, a 'quick view' of crime in your area (via MyLocalCrime ) and, of course, free crime alerts for residents.  The crime alerts can be sent by email and/or SMS. Here are a few simple steps to see your city on SpotCrime. First, send us an email to .  Let us know you'd like us to make a crime map for your area.  Make sure to provide your contact information and the police agency you are with.  We should contact you shortly afte