
Showing posts with the label springfield ohio national night out

Springfield, OH is now on the map!

Springfield, OH is the county seat of Clark County in south west Ohio (in between Columbus and Dayton ).  It has a population of approximately 62,270 people and can be found on the Mad River.  In 2004, it was chosen as an " All-American City " and you can now find Springfield on SpotCrime and MyLocalCrime! SpotCrime receives crime information from the Springfield police department.  Check out the SpotCrime Springfield map to see what crime has occurred in your area.  Making data public to all residents is one way the police department makes efforts to help out the community.  Residents can now not only view what crime has occurred on their area on an interactive map, but they can also receive  SpotCrime alerts in the inbox informing them of the same information.  In August, the department also participated in National Night Out -- a way for the community and police department to meet, connect and share their safe...