SpotCrime Weekly Reads: Police chief searches, crime rate, prison

Data driven policing, police chief departure, police transparency, nonviolence work, crime stats, youth-related crime, mask wearing defendants, sanctuary cities and crime, murder rate, police cameras, AI and policing, police chief search, privatizing prison food service, women in prison, and more... POLICE CONDUCT Urbana Police Chief lays out ‘data driven policing’ (WCIA) OIG pens letter to New Orleans Police Department publicizing inaccurate crime stats reporting (WGNO) CRIME RATE The Untold Impact of Nonviolence Work: How Success Gets Measured in Chicago’s Hardest-Hit Neighborhoods (WTTW) Youth-related crime continues to be an issue for Cincinnati, CPD report says (Fox19) US Justice Dept demands data on criminal cases involving mask-wearing defendants (Reuters) UNM research shows no correlation between sanctuary cities and crime (UNM News) Jackson State experts weigh in on Jackson murder rate the past 5 years. See the numbers (Clarion Ledger) ...