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SpotCrime Crime News - Know your Crime News: "September 14, 2009
Crime Rates Lower in 2008 per DOJ

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Even in Tough Economic Times

Unemployment, interest rates, stress—they’re all on the rise as the economy is buffeted by a downturn. What’s not rising, however, is crime, according to statistics compiled by the FBI that show violent crimes and property crimes declined nationwide in 2008.
The data, released today in the FBI’s annual Crime in the United States publication, show violent crimes declined for the second straight year, down 1.9 percent in 2008 from a year earlier. Each of the four categories of violent crime offenses showed declines, including murder and nonnegligent manslaughter (down 3.9 percent); aggravated assault (down 2.5 percent); and forcible rape (down 1.6 percent).

Property crimes on the whole declined for the sixth straight year, led in large part by a 12.7 percent reduction in motor vehicle thefts. Burglaries (up 2 percent) and larceny-thefts (up .3 percent) showed small increases from a year earlier. Losses from property crimes last year are valued at more than $17 billion.

The statistics are provided to the FBI by nearly 17,800 law enforcement agencies that participate voluntarily in our Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program."


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