Muskegon County, MI is on the map!

Muskegon County has a population of about 175, 200 and is located in western Michigan, overlooking the great Lake Michigan. The word 'Muskegon' comes from the Ojibwa/Chippewa word "mashkig" which means 'marsh' or 'lake'. The county is a part of the Grand Rapids-Muskegon-Holland area.

Check out the SpotCrime map and you'll find an area close to the lake where a number of car thefts have occurred. You can also check the map to see that these thefts happened on the same date in the evening.

This is normally a result of residents not locking their cars at night or leaving valuable items in plain view. Here are some great ways to protect yourself against theft from your vehicle:
1. Remove all valuable items out of plain view.
2. Lock your doors and roll up your windows
3. Park your car in a garage or a well lit area
4. Install an alarm system
5. Notify your local Police Department of any suspicious activity.
6. Sign up for SpotCrime alerts to stay informed about car thefts in your area. Knowledge is the best way to prevent against becoming a victim!


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