Killeen, TX Burglary Map

We've just started to map more crime data for Killeen, TX - home of Fort Hood. As you'll see, patterns may or may not be emerging. For the maps below, we've selected only burglaries.

At quick glance, there seems to be a concentration of burglaries closer to the military base. This may be a result of of population distribution.

Notice, once you zoom in on the map, the data seems less concentrated and more dispersed. Still, there does seem to be a corridor of burglaries in Killeen.

Zooming in a litter further, we find three burglaries in the same neighborhood within a span of a week. Two of these happened on the same day (November 2, 2010).

Most burglars don't think their plans all of the way through. They normally look for something worth stealing, easy entry and homes that are unoccupied. According to FBI stats, a home is burglarized every 15 seconds in the US.

Take your own precautions. Get involved in community watch groups to work with fellow neighbors to stay informed. Keep lights on when you're not home, install a security system (or get a dog that barks), keep your garage door shut and locked (as well as other doors that lead into your home!). If you'll be gone for an extended period of time, have a neighbor pick up your mail and mow your lawn.

Finally, sign up for your local crime alerts at SpotCrime or MyLocalCrime to stay informed! Information is power and the best way to prepare yourself. Stay Safe!


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