Cheektowaga, NY Crime Map

You can now find crime information for Cheektowaga, NY, a city located outside of Buffalo with a population of approx 94k.  The word 'Cheektowaga' (pronounced Ji-ik-do-wah-gah) comes from an Iroquoian word meaning 'the place of the crab apple tree'.  The city is also located in Erie County, NY and is surrounded by Buffalo, Seneca, Lancaster and Amherst.

Data for the map is provided courtesy of  the Cheektowaga Police department.  Captain Speyer of the department states (in a recent interview by that "the public will be better prepared to detect, deter and report crime in Cheektowaga" with the use of SpotCrime.
A number of thefts near shopping centers in Cheektowaga
Check out the Cheektowaga SpotCrime map and you'll see a number of thefts, specifically around shopping centers.  In addition to typical larceny, it includes fraud and forgery.

Make sure to keep an eye on your belongings, especially around the holidays.  Always keep an eye on your purse, even when pushing your cart or loading groceries into the car.  You're better off holding onto it than setting it down somewhere.  Losing a purse is more than just a stolen item.  Thieves will have not only your cash, but your identity as well!

Don't leave anything in your car; no CD's, jackets, iPods, boxes.  Even if it's an empty box and the thief makes off empty handed, you'll still be left with the bill of a broken window/car door.

Sign up for your local crime alert to know what happens in your Cheektowaga area.  Search for your area or an area you're traveling to on MyLocalCrime or SpotCrime before you hit the road.  Always be aware of your surroundings.

Take care, stay safe and Happy Holidays!


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