The Yuba City, CA SpotCrime Map

Yuba City is located in Sutter County of Northern California and currently It has a population of approx. 61, 200.  In March 2010, the city had one of the highest unemployment rates in the country at 20.8%.  Being a fairly small town, retail and healthcare make up most of the economy.  SpotCrime has been mapping Yuba City, CA for almost a year now!

Some may relate a high unemployment rate to a high crime rate.  However, according to FBI crime statistics, in 2009 the crime rate was the lowest its been in years.  Check out the graph below showing the crime rate compared to unemployment for the entire US (to view a larger graph, click here)  When the FBI releases the full 2010 crime stats for the US, we will be able to see if 2010 proved the same as 2009.
"The unemployment rate is the highest it's been in 20 years. One might assume that as more and more people fell out of work, the crime rate would rise. But as the unemployment continued to rise last year, crime dropped to its lowest level in years. This is a look at U.S. crime rates and unemployment rates since 1989. SOURCES: Bureau of Labor StatisticsFBA collaboration between GOOD and Part & Parcel."

Take a look at the Yuba City map and you'll notice a number of burglaries that have recently occurred in the area.  
Burglaries in Yuba City
Look closer and you'll see a string of car burglaries occurred with in a 24 hour period, all of which were within a mile of each other! 
Burglaries in Yuba City within a mile of each other
Sometimes, a police department can only do so much.  Residents should always take the right precautions to protect their property and family.  Find more info on how to prevent burglary here.  Make sure to sign up for your SpotCrime alert to learn about what occurs in your area.  Head to SpotCrime or MyLocalCrime to see a map of your area.  Stay Safe!


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