SpotCrime testing crime data on ArcGIS

We are testing out some SpotCrime data on ArcGIS.  Check it out

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It was fairly simple.  Choose the basemap you want to use, then add a layer by uploading a file with data and, boom goes the dynamite, you have a crime map.

You can hover over each orange dot to view some metadata about the point.  This is a great feature, however I would find the map more useful if I could make each incident a different icon.  This is what I like about SpotCrime - our picture icons are easily identifiable.  I'd also like a search option (date range, crime type, keyword).

The best thing about this map is the share feature - you can easily embed the map, share it on Facebook or Twitter, or share the link with whomever you want.

Check out the ArcGIS ESRI site here

Don't see your city on SpotCrime?  Reach out to your local PD and ask them to send us data.  We will map it for free!


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