Scottsdale, AZ is now on SpotCrime!

Check out your SpotCrime Scottsdale crime map!
Scottsdale is located just outside of Phoenix, AZ in Maricopa County. The city has a population of over 217k, making it Arizona's sixth largest city. In addition to Phoenix, Scottsdale is bordered by Tempe, Paradise Valley, and Fountain Hills. According to our Trulia widget, the media cost of a home in Scottsdale currently is $549k!

With help from our local media partner, KTVK, we'll be updating the maps weekly. We're happy that the Scottsdale PD has the courage to be open and transparent with their crime data. Transparency and unrestricted access to public crime data is a great way to keep the public informed and aware of what's going on in their area. Want to get your department on board? Have them contact us.

Interested in checking out informative, local, and relevant news in the Phoenix area? AZFamily provides informative stories in the Phoenix/Scottsdale area. When there was a double shooting in Scottsdale back in July, AZFamily had the story covered. You can find SpotCrime under the News section of their site.

Don't forget to sign up for your SpotCrime email alerts. We'll send you a crime map directly to your inbox informing you of recent crimes that have occurred in their area. Don't forget to try on your mobile browser if you're not near a computer. And if you don't like ads, check out MyLocalCrime. But most importantly, stay aware and stay safe!


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