Jersey City, NJ Crime on SpotCrime

SpotCrime has been trying to collect crime data from Jersey City, population 247k, since we first started mapping crime nationwide.

We found Jersey City calls for service on the Jersey City open data portal last week and immediately loaded the information to SpotCrime. Check it out here.

When we checked today for more data, we found the open data link no longer displays the feed.

Perhaps Jersey City saw the positive feedback from the NYPD Crime map and decided to post crime data. We're hoping decision's like NYPD's to release crime data (even though we weren't completely satisfied with their map) help encourage other cities to release crime data.

Or maybe it was a move by the new mayor, police chief, and pubic safety director. In a lot of cities, the Mayor sometimes has a role in decisions made by the Chief of Police, including wether or not they stay around. Former Chief Tom Comey retired shortly after Former Mayor Jerrimiah Healy lost the mayoral race to Mayor Steve Fulop in 2013. A pattern of Chief/Mayor relationships in Jersey City are shown below.  We've seen similar situations happen around the country.
  • Chief Ronald Buonocore 2003-2004, appointed by Mayor Glenn Cunningham who suddenly passed in 2004 and was replaced by Mayor Jerramiah Healy
  • Chief Robert Troy 2004-2006, appointed by Mayor Jerramiah Healy who took office in 2004 
  • Chief Tom Comey 2006-2013, appointed Mayor Jerramiah Healy
  • Chief Robert Cowan 2013-Present, appointed by Mayor Steve Fulop who took office in 2013

Or, better yet, maybe concerned citizens collected the data and posted it on the open data site for anyone to view. Yay for hackathons and citizen involvement!

Either way, if it's politically motivated, it's citizen engagement, or just coincidence, we're hoping the data (and newer up-to-date data) returns to the site soon with everyone (Chief, Mayor, Citizens) on board with an open crime data mindset. SpotCrime, as well as many other websites and apps, will use the information to help engage and involve neighbors, for free! Stay aware, stay safe.


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