The Puerto Rico Crime Map

Puerto Rico crime map screen shot of San Juan
SpotCrime is mapping crime in Puerto Rico! Check out this screen shot our Puerto Rico crime map.

Puerto Rico is the US territory in the Caribbean meaning people born in Puerto Rico are natural-born US citizens and if you're a US citizen you don't need a passport to visit! The population is about 3.5 million people! Major cities include San Juan (the capital), Bayamon, Carolina, Ponce, and Caguas. The crime data feed SpotCrime is using includes data for all of those cities.

You may notice there we do not have specific addresses listed. This is because the source only provides lat/long coordinates, however if you zoom in on the Google map, you'll be able to see the street names. Did you know that lat/long coordinates are pretty efficient and our tech team actually prefers them over addresses? In a perfect world, both addresses and lat/long are provided.

Make sure to sign up for your local crime alert to stay informed on what crimes happen in your Puerto Rico area.

Stay aware, stay safe!


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