Hackensack, NJ crime map

Crime in Hackensack, NJ.
SpotCrime is now mapping crime in Hackensack, NJ.

Our maps are updated at least once a week. So far, we've mapped 32 assaults, 2 burglaries, 15 thefts, 3 vandalism, and 9 arrests over the past month. 

Hackensack is located in Bergen County, NJ and the population is approximately 43k. It is considered a suburb of New York City and the NYC skyline can be seen from a number of places in Hackensack. A few famous residents include F. Scott Fitzgerald,  as well as a number of MLB, NFL, NBA, and olympic athletes.

Make sure to sign up for your local Hackensack daily and weekly crime alerts at SpotCrime. Safety is in knowing.


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