SpotCrime Weekly Reads: body cams, campus safety, DNA testing

Effectiveness of body cams, campus safety, DNA testing, domestic violence and gun violence crackdown, debating AI in policing continues, FBI hate crimes, plea deals lead to lower sentencing, and more...


Virginia police dog dubbed hero after finding children lost in woods 'within 15 minutes' (Fox News)

Time, money and a ‘culture shift:’ How three California police departments overhauled their policies (Sacramento Bee)

Do civil forfeiture cases always hit their mark? (WMBF)

Tampa police officers accused of throwing away drugs, turning off body cameras (WTSP) see also: Police body cameras aren't having the effects many expected (Governing)

Sand Lake (MI) shuts down police department (WOOD)

Complaint filed against Harford County sheriff after legal aid attorney was detained after a sheriff insisted he was the client in the case and not the attorney (WBAL)

Newly released emails show Roanoke police chief is critical of critics (WSLS)

Senators demand answers on DNA testing backlog at Illinois State Police crime labs (WEEK)


A DNA Ancestry Website Is Asking People to Join to Help Hunt Criminals (Motherboard)

U.S. and Bahamas Battle Over Crime Statistics (CruiseLawNews)

Federal prosecutors are cracking down on domestic abusers who keep guns (The Trace)

Drug use drives hundreds more thefts in Huber Heights (Dayton Daily News)

Is your campus as safe as you think it is? Data reports for 8 of Utah's Universities (ABC4)


9 things police investigators need to know about the internet of things (

GIS helps in effective analysis of crime patterns (Geospatial Weekly)

LAPD audit reveals dangers of high-tech policing (WFSB) and: Are we sleepwalking into an AI police state? (Raconteur) see also: AI-based predictive policing systems widely used in US and UK, despite concerns about privacy, and flaws in the approach (Privacy News Online) and also: NYPD's Big Artificial-Intelligence Reveal (Governing) and also: Birmingham Police will use new program to predict crime (WVTM)


Statewide California Reporting Project obtaining police documents, sharing information (Enterprise Record)

New records system to offer more details, faster on crime statistics (Gainesville Times)

Campus Safety Takes Hours to Send Crime Alerts, Students Say it’s ‘Terrible’ (Loyola Phoenix)

Delays, Denials, Documents That Disappear?: Survey Reveals Range of Concerns About FOIL in NYC (

Undercounting hate: FBI will not report its hate crime numbers again this year as required by law (WITN)


Plea deals lead to lower sentences (FoxBaltimore)

Is Florida's $2.4 billion criminal justice system due for an overhaul? (Sun-Sentinel)

Police can look into GPS tracking records of probationers, court says (Boston Globe)


Pennsylvania woman claims during trial online alien cult led her to fatally shoot boyfriend (CBS Philly)

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