
Showing posts with the label data

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: Violence prevention, police reform, crime rate

Violence prevention spending, looking at data to keep police accountable, Colorado cop barred from policing ends up as police chief, civil litigation as instrument for police reform, gun violence, less crime around strip clubs than Airbnbs, COVID-19 leads to sweeping changes in jails, and more... POLICE CONDUCT Boston police emphasize de-escalation, disengagement in mental health calls  (Boston Globe) State, law enforcement officials offer different assessments of Police Integrity Transparency and Accountability Act ‘We need these types of bills to hold law enforcement accountable.’  (Greeley Tribune) Federal Civil Litigation as an Instrument of Police Reform: A Natural Experiment Exploring the Effects of the Floyd Ruling on Stop-and-Frisk Activities in New York City  ( A Colorado cop was supposed to be barred from law enforcement. Instead, he became interim police chief.  (Mercury News) Governor’s Policing Surge In Jackson May Not Prevent Violence, Addr...

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: gun violence, post pandemic crime rate, police transparency

Crime rate post pandemic, tackling gun violence, using data to stop crime, facial recognition tech rules blurred, body cam footage transparency, crime data transparency, license plate reader data shared transparently by police departments, some states working to make raps sheets disappear, and more... POLICE CONDUCT Police chief to provide update on pairing mental health clinicians with officers  (The Modesto Bee) Metro Nashville police officers start Crisis Intervention Team training for community policing  ( Fargo police chief announces plan to reorganize department, increase transparency  (Inforum) 'We didn't see an improvement': Montgomery mayor explains why former MPD Chief Finley resigned  (Montgomery Advertiser) Santa Ana Police Questioned About Why Some Sexual Assault Reports Receive Same Urgency as Graffiti  (Voice of OC) How many complaints against police officers can be abated by incapacitating a few “bad apples?”  (Wiley Online Li...

2021 Update to the SpotCrime University Police Transparency Ranking

We updated the SpotCrime University Transparency Ranking! The last time we ranked access to crime data at universities was in 2017. We specifically look at access to the Jeanne Clery Act crime logs . The Jeanne Clery Act passed in 1990 and in addition to annual reports and timely notices of crimes, it requires a crime log to be kept and be made available and open for public inspection during normal business hours for the most recent 60-day period. Unfortunately, the law was created before the impetus of the internet , however a majority of university police departments across the US publish their crime and fire log directly to their website. In this round of ranking we wanted to know if the transparency level of a city police department influenced the transparency level of the university police department since jurisdictions of a university police department and local police department overlap. We looked at the 10 most populated cities (New York, LA , Chicago, Houston, Phoenix, Philade...