Angelina County, TX - We've got a map for that!
SpotCrime is now mapping Angelina County, TX ! Angelina County is located just north east of Houston, also known as ' Deep East Texas ' where currently, due to the dry weather, there have been numerous wildfires engulfing the area . East Texas is considered the most western part of the Deep South and is more connected to the lower south states than the rest of Texas . Angelina County has a population of over 80k and it's county seat is Lufkin, TX. SpotCrime maps crime data with the help of the Angelina County Sheriff's Department , which is also located in Lufkin. The Sheriff's department's mission is to 'provide a safe and secure community to the citizens of Angelina County'. With the new SpotCrime maps and alerts, residents can be more informed and better prepared about the crime that occurs in their area. We believe that the Angelina County Sheriff's Department is taking a great step toward transparency and innovation by sending the