Ye Ole Henrico County Crime Map
SpotCrime has a crime map for Henrico County, VA--one of the oldest counties in the US! No need to worry--the county may be old, but the crime map is up-to-date!
Henrico was one of the seven original shires of Virginia and was established by the English in 1611. Pocahontas lived a part of her life in the county and the county seal and flag both feature a picture of her!
The boundaries of Henrico create a fairly odd shape and form a semi-circle around Richmond. Richmond was originally founded in the county, but in 1871 the Virginia created individual city boundaries. However, Henrico is still considered a part of the Richmond metropolitan area and has a population of approx 296,415 .
Check out the SpotCrime map to see crime in your Henrico County area. Get a quick view of crime at MyLocalCrime. Be sure to sign up for your local crime alerts!