SpotCrime Weekly Reads: mental health, gun violence, debtors prison

Encrypted radios, mental health calls for service, mental health of criminal justice professionals, youth gun deaths and gun violence on the rise, policing software blamed for errors, tighter drug laws could cause unsustainable workload, police database to fight gun crimes, debtors prison, and more... POLICE CONDUCT Hearing sirens? Finding out why could get harder as Central Indiana police encrypt radios (Indy Star) The Intersection of Health and Justice: An Evaluation of Mental Health First Aid Training for Justice-involved Professionals (SAGE Journals) Addictions, mental health, housing issues drive up police calls for service (CKOM) CRIME RATE Gun deaths among U.S. children and teens rose 50% in two years (Pew Research Center) see also: Data shows alarming rise in youth gun violence in Harris County (CW39 Houston) Local newsrooms want to stop sensationalizing crime, but it’s hard (Poynter) Louisville mayor vows to fight gun violence ...