SpotCrime Weekly Reads: Police oversight, gun violence, prison

Police oversight, officer resilience, misconduct data, gun violence, green space and crime, ADHD and criminality, predictive policing, drones as first responders, police transparency, police hiring and crime, juvenile justice programs, states spending on prisoners, and more... POLICE CONDUCT Problems continue to plague the Minneapolis Community Commission on Police Oversight (MinnPost) see also: Speaking of Reform: Experimental Insights into Influencing Police Executives' Perspectives on Civilian Oversight (CRIMRXIV) U.S. Law Enforcement Officers’ Stress, Job Satisfaction, Job Performance, and Resilience: A National Sample (Sage Journals) Crime and Punishment Can American policing be fixed? (Harper's Magazine) Power Check: Missing police misconduct data (Axios) House passes Law Enforcement Officers’ Due Process, Accountability and Transparency Act (Rhode Island Lawyers Weekly) CRIME RATE Urban greenspace and neighborhood crime (Wiley Onlin...