
Showing posts with the label spotcrime crime alerts

SpotCrime Surpasses Half a Million Subscribers - Online Source for Crime Data Most Visited Crime Mapping Service Worldwide

BALTIMORE, MD (12/11/12) --- SpotCrime – the most comprehensive online source for crime data – has surpassed 500,000 subscribers just prior to the end of 2012, making the Baltimore-based company the most visited crime mapping site in the world. “Nearly 55 percent of online users looking for incident details and crime mapping information now turn to SpotCrime,” says the company’s Founder and President, Colin Drane.  “That’s more than double our nearest competitor and has resulted in SpotCrime sending an average of 165,000 crime alert emails per day or more than five million email alerts monthly.” In addition, SpotCrime has become the most liked crime map on Facebook, garnering more than 70 percent of Facebook “likes.” The company anticipates those numbers will increase in the future due to recent expansions of its partnerships with two of the country’s largest media companies, Sinclair and Gannett. Those partnerships mean that television stations in 15 additional markets  throug

Charleston, WV is on the Map!

Charleston  is the capital of West Virginia as well as the most populated city in the state. Its metro area has a population of approx 305k! You'll notice there are numerous thefts on the map.  If you hover over the thefts, you can see that most are related to vehicles.  If you live in Charleston, make sure to lock your car and remove all valuables from sight!  ( Click here to find out how to perform a search on SpotCrime in your own city) This is a big step in the right direction for agencies in West Virginia - there are only a couple of agencies in the state of WV who provide crime maps for residents. Don't see a map for your West Virginia area?  Reach out to your local PD.  Ask them to send data to SpotCrime .  If they send the data, we will map it and send alerts for free. Stay aware, stay safe!

Thank your PD - We're All on the Same Crime Fighting Team

Our  police   departments  work hard to keep you safe - especially during the holidays, natural disasters, and even through tough economic times resulting in cuts in resources within the  police  force. Contact  your  local PD - give them a BIG  Thank  You for doing what they do (even if you recently got a ticket for doing 5 over in a school zone...and  your  right headlight was out...and you forgot to put  your  updated registration in  your  glove box because  your  husband forgot to give it to you...) They work hard and are willing to risk their life to keep our neighborhoods safe . If the area  your   police   department  patrols is mapped on SpotCrime , make sure to also give a BIG  Thank  You for making crime data available for the public to use. Public data belongs in the hands of the public. If data is mapped on SpotCrime, it is likely  your   police   department  is making the data easy to access for the public. (We like the word public - can you tell?) If the area  yo

New Milestone for SpotCrime - Over 1 m. alerts in One Week

SpotCrime just sent over 1 million crime alerts this week. A new record for us. That's over 140,000 alerts a day. We'd like to thank our subscribers and our supporters for helping us reach this number. By maintaining our integrity through our financial independence, SpotCrime strives to be the best at delivering timely information to the public through any and all available channels. We'd like to thank every police department that shares data with us and/or makes the data fully public without restrictions or without proprietary systems. Crime mapping is a useful tool to show crime information, but it pales in comparison to full transparency allowing the public and the press to consume, share, and publish crime data without the threat of a lawsuit. We at SpotCrime are proud of not charging any police department for our service, not billing the public for access and not taking any state or federal funds. And yet, in five short years we've become the most visited

How to Update or Change Your Address in your SpotCrime Profile

Our most common 'How to' question is how to update or change the address in your SpotCrime email alerts.  We've recently posted a video tutorial of this 'How To' on YouTube (watch full video below), but here are some written directions. 1. You will first have to sign in to your SpotCrime profile.  To do this, click 'Sign In' in the upper right hand corner of the screen at Note - even if you signed up for alerts through or , you will still have to sign in to your account through .  Remember, both MLC and .info are powered by 2. At the Sign In screen , enter your Username and Password and click 'Login'.  Your username is the email address that receives SpotCrime alerts.  If you don't remember your password, just click 'Forgot your Password?' link and follow the directions. 3.  After you've clicked 'Login', you will be taken back to the

SpotCrime Reaches Over 300,000 Subscribers!

As of this morning, SpotCrime has reached over 300, 000 subscribers!  On average, we send 3.5 million crime alerts monthly! Since we've launched, we've realized that the greatest value of mapping crime is the network of people who view and interact with the data.  With our media partners , and multiple websites , we estimate over 6 million people interact with our data monthly. If no one views a crime map, what's it's worth? The more people aware of what's occurring in their community, the higher chance the community is proactive in the fight against crime.  Our ultimate goal is that SpotCrime effectively distributes crime data across the world, decreasing the crime rate and increasing a peace of mind. Are you signed up for your local SpotCrime alert yet?  Each email alert is made custom for each subscriber.  When you sign up for an alert, you can put in your address and a radius of choice.  So, unless there are subscribers with the same address and the s