
Showing posts with the label spotcrime facebook

Some of 2013’s Dumbest Criminals

Here at SpotCrime , we think we’ve seen and read it all in terms of ridiculous crime stories. But, just when you think you’ve seen the most ridiculous story, we stumble across a story 200 times more ridiculous. We try to share all kinds of stories with you on our Facebook pages - SpotCrime and MyLocalCrime - and always welcome your feedback and comments. Starting a discussion about crime is a good step in the right direction for safer communities. Here is a list we’ve compiled of the most ridiculous stories we saw over 2013. Stories that make you want to do the Homer Simpson ‘Doh!’ forehead slap. Enjoy! The DUI Couple A husband and wife from Pennsylvania were charged with separate DUI's. The husband got picked up for a DUI, then his wife showed up to the police station to pick him up - under the influence.  View the entire story here. Smart Phone = Smart Victim = Dumb Criminal Anyone who attempts to steal a smart phone and leaves the smart phone on is and idio

Who Likes your Crime Map?

With today's Facebook IPO , we thought we'd take a look at how crime maps are 'liked' on the social media giant. If you look at the pie chart below of the main crime maps on the Internet right now, you can see that SpotCrime is in the lead.  Thank you for the 'likes'! SpotCrime includes our sites Facebook page and Facebook page 'likes'.  Check out both pages and (if you haven't already) give them a 'like' by heading here for SpotCrime and here for MyLocalCrime .  We also share lots of breaking and interesting news articles through both of our pages as well as updates about our site.  We think 'likes' show the popularity of our maps and wanted to say Thank You again for the support!

SpotCrime Offering High Engagement Crime Maps - For Free!

There are two main categories of crime mapping  (or two ends of the scale) 1. Institutional crime mapping - designed for professional analysts with many bells a whistles 2. Public facing crime mapping - designed to get information to public fast. We at SpotCrime tend to the public facing end of the spectrum.   We provide very little analytics - although our city pages do have a basic charts page - What we do focus on is distribution and engagement . Our distribution in the US is larger than any other crime mapping site on the Internet.  We have multiple websites for the public to choose from that are all fast and functional - , , , and .  With the thought that people register information differently, we’ve created multiple outlets for residents to choose from. , the newest SpotCrime addition We also provide our maps in more places than just our websites