What's in Store for 2015?
The crime mapping space in the business world is a small space. But for those who do seek out crime information, more people go to SpotCrime than anywhere else. Here is where we are by the numbers: Emails We are projected to send out over 125 million emails this year alone. That’s 125,000,000 alerts that are individually tailored to each user and delivered directly into their personal mailbox. Apps We are the only company to have a crime map for the Kindle Fire in addition to Android and iPhone . SpotCrime.info is mobile friendly and works great on any browser. Web traffic (from Similarweb.com ) SpotCrime trumps in web traffic. We are almost twice the size of all other major crime mapping websites combined in December! Socially we’ve looked at the game a little differently than other crime mapping sites. Instead of posting about our own successes and daily happenings, we push out as much crime information to social platforms used by millions of peopl...