SpotCrime Weekly Reads: shaking corruption, AI in policing, transparency, and more...
Baltimore police department loses officers while facing corruption woes, mental health programs helps police, AI predicting crime debate continues, how transparent is your government, and more... POLICE CONDUCT Baltimore Mayor Pugh opposes state commission to investigate police corruption (Baltimore Sun) see also: Baltimore police had net gain of 4 officers in 2017, but hundreds lost in recent years, according to data (Baltimore Sun) Commish: Boston police bodycam pilot mostly successful (Boston Herald) Lincoln police study finds mental health referral program reduces crisis calls (Journal Star) Assessing police use of force data with the help of the Police Foundation (Sunlight Foundation) Why Social Media Plays an Important Role in Law Enforcement ( CRIME RATE Proposed bill aims to change how DUIs are reported across U.S. (WMC) U.S. attorney meeting with community partners for crime reduction project (GainesvilleTimes....