SpotCrime has multiple crime maps in the Buffalo, NY area!

SpotCrime has been mapping Buffalo metropolitan area for quite a while now.  In addition to a Buffalo SpotCrime map, we also have a Cheektowaga, North Tonawanda and Niagara County maps.

Buffalo is the second most populated city in New York state and is the largest populated upstate city with a population of over 260k people.  
Cheektowaga is located east of Buffalo with a population of 94,000

North Tonawanda has 31,570 people

Niagara County, home of Niagara Falls, has 216,470 people...a grand total of 602,040!

SpotCrime receives feeds from the departments to map the data and is very proud to see data transparency in north eastern cities, particularly in New York state, and from departments of different sizes.  Ironically, we still have not established a crime data feed with the NYPD - one of the biggest departments in the US.

Check out the Buffalo area SpotCrime maps at  Make sure to sign up for your local crime alert at  On a mobile device? Don't forget to check a quick view of crime data in your area at


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