SpotCrime is Mapping Crimes in Rockwall, Texas

Frisco, Texas is the county seat of Rockwall County, Texas. As of 2000, a census placed the city's population at 17,976 .

SpotCrime is proud to feature up to date information for Rockwall on our maps.

Please click on the following link to see a fully interactive crime map for the last 60 days.

As always, SpotCrime provides free crime alerts by email and text messages.

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No!!! Rockwall is the Countyseat of Rockwall county. Frisco is located in Collin and Denton Counties. Mckinney is the County seat of Collin and Denton is the countyseat of Denton. Frisco is just another suburb of Dallas which is the Countyseat of Dallas county. Born and raised in Dallas I know.

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