The Flint Serial Killer

White male. Late 20's-early 30's. 5'11"-6'2". 180 to 210 lbs. Light hair, prefers baseball caps.

That is the description of the suspected 'Flint Serial Killer'. Below is a composite sketch released August 6 by Michigan State Police.
The FBI has recently teamed up with Michigan State Police to try to piece together information to apprehend the suspect behind almost 2 dozen stabbings in Michigan, Virgina and Ohio. 5 of those stabbings were fatal.

Here is a time line (aggregated from numerous websites) to get an idea of when and where the attacks have occurred.

1) May 24--Flint, MI
2) June 21--Flint, MI
3) June 26--Flint, MI
Stabbing--42 yr old black male
4) July 4--Flint, MI
Stabbing--20 yr old white male
5) July 12--Flint, MI in the suburb of Burton
Stabbing--29 yr old black male
6) July 19--Flint, MI (Genesee Township)
Stabbing--49 yr old white male
7) July 23--Flint, MI
Stabbing--21 yr old black male
8) July 26--Flint, MI
9) July 27--Flint, MI
Stabbing--26 yr old black male was stabbed around 3 a.m. after the suspect asked him to help him with his supposedly disabled SUV
10) July 28--Flint, MI
Stabbing--19 yr old black male
11) July 29--Flint, MI
Stabbing--59 yr old black male
14) July 30--Flint Township, MI
15) July 30--Flint, MI
Stabbing--28 year old black male around 6 a.m.
18) Aug 1--Flint, MI
2 Stabbings--17 yr old black male around 2:30 a.m. and 25 yr old black male around 6 a.m.
19) August 2--Flint, MI
20) August 3--Leesburg, VA
Stabbing--a 15-year-old black male was stabbed Aug. 3 as he was jogging around 9:45 p.m.
21) August 5--Leesburg, VA
Stabbing--a 67-year-old black man was stabbed as he sat on a porch outside an apartment building
22) August 6--Leesburg, VA
Stabbing-A dark-skinned Latino was attacked in a shopping center parking lot, but this time a hammer was used
23) August 7--Toledo, OH

There have been many similarities in the attacks to lead police to believe a serial killer is to blame. All of the victims are men and were attacked in the early morning hours with a knife. Surviving victims have given similar descriptions of the suspects vehicle (a green GMC Jimmy or Chevy S1 Blazer type of SUV) and physical description.

The police aren't confirming the attacks are racially targeted however, a majority of the victims have been black males.

In efforts to catch the killer, the police have set up a crime tip line--(866) 246-9500 . Check out the websites below to gather more of information about the Flint Serial Killer.

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