Harris County, TX Crime Data on SpotCrime!

SpotCrime has recently added Harris County, TX data to the map!

Harris County is the fifth largest metro area in the US and holds the city of Houston.  You can view the SpotCrime Houston map here.  It is the most populated county in Texas and the third most populated county in the US!

Harris County Sheriff's Office covers all unincorporated areas of the county.  The data from Harris County is from Dec2011-Jan2012.  We are working on collecting more up to date information from the Sheriff's Office in efforts to inform all Harris County residents of crime that occurs in their area.

Want to see more Harris County data on SpotCrime?  Let the Sheriff's Office know! We've found that inquiries from concerned residents go a long way.  And, if they send us data, we will map it and send residents alerts for free!

Stay aware, stay safe.


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