SpotCrime Weekly Reads

Learning from body cams, shootings in the US, immigration and crime rates, open data in policing, failing American prisons, and more...


Fatal police shootings surge in Maine in 2017 (Bangor Daily News)

Senators ask Jeff Sessions to curb cops' authority to confiscate money (Washington Examiner)

LIVE BLOG: Former FBI Director James Comey Testifies About Trump and Russia (NBC News)

A Police Chief Reflects: ‘Handcuffs Are Not the Solution’ (

Fairbanks, the third “Most Dangerous U.S. City for Women,” wants to charge $15,000 for rape kit data (MuckRock)


Eight shootings involving eleven children across the US since Memorial Day (SpotCrime) SEE ALSO: Gun deaths by state visualized (reddit)

Lab Report: A Troubling Spike in Drug Deaths (CityLab)

Amid record violence, worried Baltimoreans see a city in crisis (Baltimore Sun)

As Bevin Asks For Prayer, Kentucky Lawmakers Call For Solutions To Violence (

Crime in 2016: Updated Analysis (Brennan Center) SEE ALSO: Crime in Schools-65 Percent Had Incidents of Violence (

Dallas joins fight against sanctuary cities bill; Mayor calls states it "greatly infringes on the city's ability to protect" ( SEE ALSO: San Antonio, Austin join growing lawsuits against draconian Texas immigration bill ( AND ALSO: Columbus council puts Ginther’s orders protecting immigrants into city law (Columbus Dispatch)

Innocent Until Your Mug Shot Is on the Internet (NYTimes)


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